Campus Security Authority
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The Clery Act identifies certain categories of students, University employees and contractors as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) who have federally mandated responsibilities to report Clery Act crimes that are reported to them.
The intent of including non‐law enforcement personnel in the role of CSA is to acknowledge that some community members and students in particular may be hesitant about reporting crime to the police, but may be more inclined to report incidents to other campus‐affiliated individuals.
The law defines the following four categories of CSAs:- A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution.
- Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department (e.g., an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into institutional property).
- Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
- An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. To determine which individuals are CSAs, consider job functions that involve relationships with students.
Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are responsible for reporting allegations of Clery Act crimes. CSAs must also report any Clery Act crimes reported to them or that they witness. However, CSAs are not required to report crimes that they learn of indirectly (e.g., overhear; through in‐class discussion; mentioned during a speech, workshop, or group presentation). CSA crime reporting is not a substitute for, nor does it supersede, any existing internal Departmental or other University reporting methods or protocols already in place for reporting incidents.
A Clery Act crime is considered “reported” when it is brought to the attention of a CSA, the SIU Department of Public Safety or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, witness, other third party or even the offender. The crime reporting party, victim, witness or offender does not need to be affiliated with the University. While CSAs are only obligated to report Clery Act crimes that occurred within the University's Clery Geography, CSAs are encouraged to promptly report all campus related criminal incidents, and other public safety‐related emergencies, to the SIU Department of Public Safety. Reporting all incidents of crime is important, because sometimes it may not be clear as to whether the incident occurred within the Clery Geography.
When a crime is reported, the CSA should always handle emergencies immediately by calling 911.
If it is not an emergency, the CSA should ask the individual reporting the crime if they would like to report the incident to law enforcement. If they do, the CSA can coordinate reporting and contacting the SIU Department of Public Safety or local law enforcement.
All University employees (including student employees) are obligated to promptly report gender-based violence (sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking) of which they become aware to the SIU Office of Equity and Compliance or the Title IX Coordinator by completing an SIU Campus Crime Report or calling 618-453-4807.
It is very important that CSAs report crime on a timely basis to the SIU Department of Public Safety because a reported crime may warrant a University issued timely warning to the University community. CSAs should not investigate a crime reported to them or attempt to determine whether in fact a crime took place. CSAs should simply report the crime.
When talking with a victim, remember
- Be an open and supportive listener
- Understand that trauma affects everyone differently
- Be non-judgmental
When a student comes to you to report an incident you cannot guarantee confidentiality. There are only two locations on campus that can provide confidential services. A student may report confidentially to the SIU Health Services Medical Clinic or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). All other employees are required to report all Clery incidents for Clery statistics and all VAWA (sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking) incidents. When a student comes to report, make sure they know of your obligation to report.
Consider a statement like:
“I want to make sure you understand that I may be required to share anything you tell me, including your name, with the Office of Equity and Compliance. We don't have to involve law enforcement unless you choose to, but the University may have to follow up on this situation. The only people on campus who can guarantee confidentiality are the Medical Staff and Counselors of CAPS located within Student Health Services.”
The victim of a crime has the option to:
- File a Police Report
- Report to the University
- Speak with Confidential Support
Regardless of their option, you MUST file a report.
Offer Referrals to:
- Medical Assistance
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Student Health Services
- The Women’s Center
- The Office of Diversity and Equity
Always provide the student with a copy of the Safety, Awareness, Facts and Education Brochure
A CSA should complete the SIU Campus Crime Report immediately after providing services to the victim. The documentation should have sufficient details to allow the Clery Coordinator to properly classify the crime classification and geography. The CSA Crime Report Form.