Report to Law Enforcement
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If you are in an emergency situation, dial 911 from anywhere for immediate assistance.
Reporting to law enforcement is an option available to you if you have experienced any crime, including but not limited to, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. Reporting to law enforcement may allow for a criminal investigation to be conducted and criminal charges to follow.
If you call 911 on campus, the University’s Department of Public Safety (SIU Police) will respond. For non-emergency situations, call local law enforcement or DPS’s non-emergency number, 618-453-3771 to speak with an officer. All reports will be submitted to the appropriate University department for further follow up if necessary.
If you are not ready to file a report with law enforcement, you can still call and speak with an officer about what would happen if you file a report and the protective orders that are available.
What happens when I report to law enforcement?
If police are called and you are not ready to file a report for criminal charges, police can initiate an informational report and explain what happens when a criminal report is completed.
You can meet with an officer at the police department or a place of your choosing. A support person of your choice can come with you to make a police report.
Police will take an initial statement and begin follow up interviews with all parties involved: victims, witness, suspects, and others who may have been identified.
Police will collect any evidence that may be available, Evidence is not always available in all cases.
Police will review video, if available.
Police will complete a written report that will be submitted to the State's Attorney's Office.
- Southern Illinois University Department of Public Safety (SIU Police)
- Carbondale Police Department (Off Campus)
- Jackson County Sheriff's Office (Off Campus)
- Carterville Police Department (Off Campus)
- Herrin Police Department (Off Campus)
- Marion Police Department (Off Campus)
- Williamson County Sheriff's Department (Off Campus)