Workplace Violence Policy
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The Workplace Violence Policy was approved in 2001 to address all types of violence on the SIU campus and generally states: The safety and security of University personnel, students, and visitors is of vital importance. Threats, threatening behavior, or acts of violence against faculty, staff, students, visitors, or other individuals on SIU property and at University-sponsored events will not be tolerated. A safe environment will be attained by appropriate employee screening, employee education and training, surveillance of the work area, and effective management of situations involving violence or threats of violence on University property.
This policy applies to all SIU facilities, property, faculty, staff, students, visitors, and others at the University. It is a violation of law to touch another person in an unwelcome manner with the intent to harm, or to threaten to do so. Individuals may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination from employment or dismissal from the University pursuant to the applicable University, Civil Service or collective bargaining procedures. SIU will not tolerate the following conduct or behavior: threats, direct or implied; physical conduct that results in harm to people or property; possession of weapons; intimidating conduct or harassment that disrupts the work or educational environment or results in fear for personal safety. Inappropriate and threatening behavior(s) include, but are not limited to the following: unwelcome name-calling, obscene language, and other verbally abusive behavior; throwing objects, regardless of the size or type of the object being thrown or whether a person is the target of a thrown object; physically touching another person in an intimidating, malicious, or sexually harassing manner; physically intimidating others, including such acts as obscene gestures, “getting in your face” and fist shaking.
For more information, view the Workplace Violence Policy.
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