Campus Security Authority Resources

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Thank you for all that you do to ensure the safety and well-being of our campus community. Collaboration and open communication throughout the year leads to many joint successes resulting in a safer and more inclusive campus. The Jeanne Clery Act federally mandates SIU to disclose statistics concerning the number of specific crimes occurring within Clery-specific geography that were reported to local police agencies or to a campus security authority.

Clery defines a Campus Security Authority (CSA) as the following:

  • Campus Safety/Police Officers
  • Individuals responsible for security and/or monitoring access to SIU buildings
  • Individuals designated within campus security policies to receive crime reports
  • An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings.

SIU will continue to provide mandatory training pertaining to the Clery Act and Responsible Employee. However, this year there will be a specific Clery Act training for all CSAs. This training will be available this fall.

This website provides additional resources and information pertaining to your role as a CSA. Additional resources to assist you within your role as a CSA can be found in the navigation bar.                    


When a student comes to you to report an incident you cannot guarantee confidentiality. There are only two locations on campus that can provide confidential services. A student may report confidentially to the SIU Health Services Medical Clinic or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). All other employees are required to report all Clery incidents for Clery statistics and all VAWA (sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking) incidents. 
When a student comes to report, make sure they know of your obligation to report.

Consider a statement like:

“I want to make sure you understand that I may be required to share anything you tell me, including your name, with the Office of Equity and Compliance. We don't have to involve law enforcement unless you choose to, but the University may have to follow up on this situation.  The only people on campus who can guarantee confidentiality are the Medical Staff and Counselors of CAPS located within Student Health Services.”


All reports go to Corporal Shawn Tuthill with the Department of Public Safety. Submitting these reports will not generate a police report and are used for statistical purposes only. The best way to share this information is to complete an SIU Campus Crime report. Please remember to include as much detail as possible within the form including the date, location, description of the incident, crime classification and all other fields that you have information.

Our institution has a responsibility to notify the campus community about crimes that pose a serious or ongoing threat to the community, and, as such, campus security authorities are obligated by law to report these specific crimes. Even if you are not sure whether an ongoing threat exists, immediately contact us so we are able to make that determination.

Survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking must be provided with written information on their rights and options. This document is also a helpful reminder to campus security authorities of the many resources the campus provides and how to communicate about these resources. Access our SAFE Brochure.